Social and Behaviour change communication
We provide support for the development of systematic, planned and evidence-based, and theory driven SBC strategies aiming at increasing sustainable demand and uptake of essential services.
We help you Implement Effective Social and Behavior Change Projects. Our team forms the best communication strategy development consultants in Kenya We are keen on employing our social and behavioral sciences approaches to understand people, their beliefs, their values, the sociocultural norms, and the economic and institutional contexts that shape their lives, with the aim of engaging them and increasing their influence in the design of solutions for change.
If your project’s aim is to bring about lasting and impactful change to individuals and communities, we are the experts for you.
Our experience in SBC has proven approaches that have formed the basis for behavior change interventions for many years in impact-based organizations.
We implement innovative and evidence-based interventions that address change at multiple levels and contribute towards SBC policy development and practice in Kenya and beyond.
We always take human-centered approaches to ensure we develop solutions that meet the needs of their audiences
Our communication work

We help impact based organizations on SBC in the following ways
1. We provide technical assistance on the development of systematic, planned and evidence-based and theory driven SBC strategies aiming at increasing sustainable demand and uptake of essential health services, including immunization.
2. We do research and analysis (including human-centered design), evidence-based planning (with emphasis on micro-planning), implementation of demand promotion interventions (including behavioural insights), preparedness and response to vaccine-related events, community engagement, capacity development on front line workers, and monitoring and evaluation of demand promotion interventions.
3. We work with stakeholders involved in a project to generate and use evidence on the generation, analysis and utilization of SBC data to inform the design, testing, measurement, and monitoring of programmes, interventions and outcomes aiming at increasing the uptake of essential health services in both development and emergency contexts.
4. Provide support in tracking implementation of SBC activities, identifying gaps, and augmenting the strategies for increased reach, effectiveness, and enhancement of communication content
5. Documentation of experiences and lessons learnt from the project, including production of learning briefs, white papers, and general documentation
6. Conduct a formative research to determine comprehensive SBC messages and channels
7. Develop evidence-based SBC strategies using a variety of state-of-the-art methodologies, including human centered design, behavioral sciences, and
digital technologies across different thematic areas.

Provision of technical and programmatic guidance and oversight to all the SBC activities undertaken and planned by the project ensuring we employ
quality of SBC approaches and methodologies
Develop evidence-based SBC strategies using a variety of state-of-the-art methodologies, including human centered design, behavioral sciences, and digital technologies across different thematic areas
GDevelopment of comprehensive SBC messages and channels
Formulating locally appropriate SBC strategies and operationalizing those strategies effectively
Map and review already available formative research, SBC materials, awareness messages, and other information on current practices and dialogue with the community to identify facilitating factors and barriers to desired practices
Provide support in tracking implementation of SBC activities, identifying gaps, and augmenting the strategies for increased reach, effectiveness, and enhancement of communication content
Pretesting IEC materials developed developed during the consultancy across different counties in kenya